The restaurant industry is a fast-paced and demanding field that can be overwhelming for even the most seasoned professionals. One of the most significant challenges faced by restaurant owners and managers is managing the influx of orders from various channels, including online ordering, table reservations, and delivery services. Ensuring that these orders are prepared and served accurately and in a timely manner is essential to maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, with traditional order management systems, the process of handling orders can be prone to errors and delays.

Are you a restaurant owner or manager who is struggling to manage your order management system effectively? Do you find that orders are often delayed or inaccurate, leading to dissatisfied customers? If so, you’re not alone. Many restaurant owners and managers face the same challenges in their day-to-day operations.

Fortunately, there is a solution to these issues. ‘bld order.’ is a comprehensive and flexible cloud-based platform that offers a full suite of tools designed to streamline the order management process. One of the standout features of ‘bld order.’ is its output devices, including Kitchen Display System (KDS), Direct Printing (Cloud), App Printing (Local), and Displays. These devices are designed to help restaurant owners and managers manage their orders more efficiently, reduce errors, and improve service quality.

Kitchen Display System (KDS)

One of the significant challenges faced by restaurants is ensuring that orders are delivered to the kitchen in an organized and timely manner. With traditional systems, wait staff often handwrite orders and take them to the kitchen, which can lead to errors and miscommunication. This is where the Kitchen Display System (KDS) comes in.

The KDS is a robust digital solution that sends orders automatically to the kitchen display(s). This feature reduces manual intervention and errors, keeps orders and preparations under control, and improves speed, accuracy, and service quality. With the KDS, restaurant staff can easily track orders and ensure that they are prepared and served in a timely manner, reducing wait times and improving customer satisfaction.

Imagine a busy restaurant during peak hours with a large number of orders coming in. With traditional systems, wait staff have to manually write down the orders and take them to the kitchen, which can lead to errors and delays. However, with the KDS, orders can be inputted into the system and automatically sent to the kitchen display(s). Kitchen staff can then see the orders in real-time and start preparing them immediately. This reduces wait times for customers and ensures that orders are prepared accurately.

Direct Printing (Cloud)

Another output device offered by 'bld order.' is Direct Printing (Cloud). This feature allows restaurant owners and managers to define and connect multiple printers (via Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi adapter) to the cloud system and receive print jobs for each printer directly and instantly. Printer jobs can be grouped based on location, order type, menu category, and menu item and set to be printed from different printers. This feature ensures that orders are delivered to the correct printer, reducing errors and improving efficiency.

In a restaurant with multiple printers, it can be challenging to ensure that orders are printed on the correct printer. This can lead to errors and delays, resulting in dissatisfied customers. With Direct Printing (Cloud), restaurant owners and managers can group printer jobs based on location, order type, menu category, and menu item and set them to be printed from different printers. This ensures that orders are delivered to the correct printer, reducing errors and improving efficiency. For example, an order for a table in the dining room can be sent to the printer located in that area, while an order for delivery can be sent to the printer in the kitchen.

App Printing (Local)

For even greater control, restaurant owners and managers can download the 'bld order.' administration and print management app, which allows them to receive print jobs for the specified groups and send them to their local printers (or POS system). This feature is ideal for restaurants that want to keep their print jobs local and have greater control over the printing process.

Suppose a restaurant wants to keep their print jobs local to their POS system. In that case, they can use the App Printing (Local) feature of ‘bld order.’. This feature allows restaurant owners and managers to download the ‘bld order.’ administration and print management app and receive print jobs for the specified groups. They can then send the print jobs to their local printers (or POS system). This feature offers greater control over the printing process and ensures that print jobs are delivered directly to the POS system, reducing errors and improving efficiency.


Finally, 'bld order.' offers multiple display outputs (i.e., PC, laptop, tablet, and mobile phone) to show orders of a specified output group in real-time. This feature streamlines the order management process by ensuring that orders are delivered to the correct display, reducing errors and improving efficiency.

A restaurant can use Displays to show orders of a specified output group in real-time. For example, a tablet can be placed in the kitchen to show the orders that need to be prepared, while a display in the dining area can show the orders that are ready for pickup or delivery. This feature ensures that orders are delivered to the correct display, reducing errors and improving efficiency.

In all of these examples, the output devices of ‘bld order.’ streamline the order management process, reduce errors, and improve service quality. By using ‘bld order.’, restaurant owners and managers can easily manage every type of online order, ensuring that orders are prepared and served accurately and in a timely manner, reducing wait times, and improving customer satisfaction.

‘bld order.’ offers a comprehensive solution to the challenges faced by restaurant owners and managers in managing their order management systems. With the platform’s output devices, including Kitchen Display System (KDS), Direct Printing (Cloud), App Printing (Local), and Displays, restaurant staff can manage orders more efficiently, reduce errors, and improve service quality. . So, if you want to streamline your restaurant operations and improve your customer experience, sign up for ‘bld order.’ today or read more about our other features to see how we can help you achieve your business goals.