Most customers visit restaurant websites before they make their decision to visit the actual restaurant. A well-designed restaurant website will not only attract new customers but will also play a significant role in a customer retention plan. You can offer your guests a visual tour around your restaurant or give them the opportunity to place online orders via your webpage. Remember that your restaurant’s website can be a very useful tool when it comes to increasing revenue and gaining new customers.

The most important thing is to stay updated. There is nothing worse than visiting a webpage of a restaurant that has not posted anything for months. “Hello? Are you guys even open?”. Make sure that your website is always up-to-date. New opening hours? New menu? Is your restaurant hosting an event? Remember to put all the info on your website. Furthermore, uploading menus and pictures of dishes might also do the trick. If people are not familiar with some of the food your restaurant is offering, it is always better to back it all up with photos. Even well-known dishes should be photographed.

Pictures are important too. Restaurants are all about food, right? How can you possibly put up a menu on your website, but no pictures? Make sure to upload photos of those tasty-looking dishes. It will definitely make people want to visit your eatery and order some burgers! What is more, a good website is easy to navigate and user-friendly. The content has to stay fresh (just like the food!).

Remember that restaurant’s websites that are not adapted to mobile services lose a lot! There is a lot of people who do almost everything from their phones. Checking the weather, ordering clothes, sending emails, looking up information and most importantly – ordering food!

It is also good to be aware of customer experience on restaurant websites so that a restaurant owner can make changes and make the website even more efficient and profitable.

We encourage you to make your restaurant’s website as informative as possible, try to keep it simple and organized. Use toned colours and good quality images. And just like we have mentioned before – always keep it updated. Restaurant websites are links between food establishments and customers, so it is always important to make them clear and readable.

Even though restaurant websites vary, they all have the same purpose – to advertise your business, sell the product, inform your potential guests about opening hours, food, events and finally – to boost your revenue. Creating a transparent and welcoming website will get you some new customers. You will be able to change online visits into actual restaurant visits. And your website visitors might turn out to be loyal customers.